Opera Mini - a bit of iPhone features
Though Windows mobile Internet explorer couldn't be called capable browser, and it is well behind Safari on iPhone, good thing is that Windows Mobile is a platform and you always have option to install another application (as iPhone is closed platform you only can't do this). Though this is still bad thing for average consumer, as it shouldn't bother with this.
One free option is Opera Mini. At the moment version 3 is available, but worth trying is version 4 beta. Version 4 has one really important feature stolen from iPhone - it shows zoomed out page, and then you zoom in just part of the page and read it on screen. Usually, you just need to press the button as Opera already suggests right part of the screen. If you don't like this, you can switch to classic small screen rendering. Another good thing is that you can quickly scroll with keys 2,4,6,8, and slowly with pad. And most of the things you can do with one hand, as during scrolling Opera selects link to click. Last, but not least, Opera uses its server to compress pages, and they load much quicker. Though, you may lose some image quality, depending on the settings.